An earthquake rocked the mountainside shaking one of four eagle eggs out of the nest sending it down to the chicken farm below. The chickens, assuming it was one of their own, sat on the egg and kept it warm. Until it hatched.
Eventually, a baby eagle was born. The chickens gave the eagle a 'chicken-like upbringing', teaching it to do what other chickens do. And the eagle imitated those around him.
He was content to scratch for grubs and worms with the chicken family he had grown to love. The eagle never attempted to soar because in his mind, he was a chicken.
But his spirit cried out for more.
One day, he looked up to see a mighty eagle soaring in the sky and thought, 'How graceful, powerful and free it is.' He asked the other chickens “What kind of a bird is that? ” The chickens replied, “Oh that is an eagle"! The he said "Oh, I wish I could be like that".
The chickens roared with laughter, “You cannot soar. You are just a chicken. Chickens do not soar.” He continued staring up at the eagle, dreaming one day he could fly like that. Over time, he gave up his dream. He had to face the facts: He was a chicken.
And the eagle spent the remainder of his days fitting in with the other chickens.
The moral of the story: Don't listen to people who put limitations on your hopes and dreams. You become what you believe you are. So aim high!
The chicken coop was a great starting place for the eagle. But unless you're a chicken, you shouldn't stay there.
Who are you today? I was an 'almost famous' barber from Siler City, NC, and I'm thankful for that beginning. Then I started my sales career with Quaker Oats Company, selling oatmeal and grits. But I always thought God had something more in store for me.
Our family has worked hard to build our company, Karlie Clothes. Even though we have faced discouragement many times, we've always been encouraged by others not to give up.
After 53-years in the business you won't find me in my "Lazy Boy rocker," when I could be biking 20 miles. And you won't only find me sticking to the stories of the 'good old days,' when I could be writing a weekly blog to encourage my friends to be the best they can be!
Your encouragement to someone could be the thing that heads them in the right direction.
Be all that you are meant to be.
Spread you wings, and . . .
aim high!