Sometimes as we struggle in our climb to become successful, we overlook our priorities. We sacrifice relationships and sometimes, even our morals.
A little bird spent over a year building his nest in a small tree. He used only the best twigs, sticks & leaves in the construction of his new home. It took a great deal of his time and he was so proud of it and had worked so hard and long. But he had sacrificed so much to build this beautiful nest, he had ignored his relationships with the other birds.
When the nest was completed, he realized that in order for others to see it, the nest needed to be moved to a much taller tree. As the bird was on his way to a higher elevation, he had a sudden heart attack. . . and died.
(Bye-Bye Birdie).
In our own lives, even after the most well thought out planning, things often don't work out the way we had intended. Like I always say: "If you want to make God really laugh, make your own plans!"
While we are busy struggling to get the top so everyone can see our accomplishments, we may be missing out on the most important things in life: RELATIONSHIPS!
Are we so focused on reaching the summit that we forget to enjoy the scenic route and make friends with the other birds along the way? After all, the joy is in the journey and not the destination.
Life is more than just building your nest. It's a series of wing flaps, unexpected updrafts and an occasional bird bath.
In the grand scheme of things, RELATIONSHIPS are the real treasures, the breadcrumbs scattered along the path of life.
Let's build our nests with faith, a dash of humor and a generous sprinkle of love.