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Writer's pictureCharlie Brown

Cookie Thief

Updated: Dec 29, 2023

A woman was waiting at an airport one night, with several long hours before her flight. She grabbed a book, bought a bag of cookies and found a place to sit.

While she was lost in her book, she watched the man sitting beside her, bold as he could be, grab a cookie or two from the bag between them. This guy was so rude -- but she tried to ignore it to avoid a scene. She grabbed another cookie to munch as she watched the clock. And the gutsy thief beside her continued eating the cookies.

Getting more irritated as the minutes went by, she thought "If I wasn't so nice, I would punch him in the nose." With only one cookie left in the bag, she wondered what he would do next.

With a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh, he took the last cookie and broke it in two. He offered her half, as he ate the other half. She snatched it from him and thought: "The gall of that guy! He didn't even show any gratitude!"

When her flight was called, she gathered her belongings and headed to the gate, without looking back at the 'cookie thief'. She boarded the plane and settled into her seat. She reached in her baggage and gasped with surprise! There was HER bag of cookies!

'Oh no . . . .If my bag is here "the other bag must have been HIS . . . and he was trying to share!

Too late to apologize, she realized with grief, that she was the rude one -- the ingrate -- THE COOKIE-THIEF!

Like I always say: When you quickly jump to conclusions, you often skip over the truth! Sometimes it is too late to make amends.

How often have you been absolutely convinced of something, only to find out later that you were mistaken? Perhaps you were certain you put your keys on the dining table, but later found them in your pants pocket. Or you thought you sent your taxes in on time. But the government proved you wrong!


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