Laughter has many physical and mental benefits.
It’s said, “laughter is the best medicine.” This time-honored phrase dates back to biblical times, but it’s as applicable today as ever! Why? Because laughter is the great equalizer;
it brings people together; it simply feels good to laugh.
Laughter is healing! It can drive stress away, relax your whole body, release endorphins, increase your heart-health and some say it may help you live longer!
Studies show that people who use humor and laughter to cope with stress have better immune systems. While there are other ways to help you stay healthy, humor is one of the easiest and most enjoyable.
Laughter can increase your 'face-value'! Just 15-minutes of laughter equals the benefit of 2 hours sleep! One good belly laugh burns off 3 1/2 calories, and laughing for 15-seconds adds 2 days to your life span according to a German Psychologist. In the 50’s people use to laugh an average of 18 minutes a day. Today, that’s down to 4 – 6 minutes a day. Sad.
Fortune 500 companies such as IBM, AT&T, General Electric and many others have adopted ‘humor’ into their workplaces, as a tool to increase morale and improve the bottom line.
Laughing with friends and acquaintances is an unequaled connection, which builds friendships. And when you're my age, there is nothing more enjoyable than sitting around with your old buddies -- and they might even be popping a few cold ones! --sharing stories and having many laughs. Some of the stories might actually be true!
Businesses are built on relationships and humor can be one of the main ingredients in helping to cultivate and nurture those relationships. Laughter is one of the oldest tactics in the book and is something we’ve used from the time we were kids.
When I started my sales career, I quickly learned that building relationships was a priority. Humor and laughter made it easier to build that bond. As a prospect becomes more comfortable with you and your company, they start to open up more and might even share insights that you’ve been dying to know. This makes it easier to dive deeper into understanding their needs and wants.
If you can make a prospect laugh, they are more open to buying.
You grow up the day you have your first real laugh-at yourself.
Nothing's funnier to me than laughing at myself. -Dr Phil
Take your work seriously. Take your clients seriously. But don’t take yourself too seriously as it’s a one-way street to failure.
It may be 'fake news', but I heard, "It’s wrong to suppress laughter. It goes back down and spreads to your hips."
Find humor and joy in everything you do: In your relationships, in your job and your life.
Like I always say: It's your choice: love it, or change it.