Looking up at the stars reminds you that things that are worrying you or stressing you out aren't really that big after all.
The universe was designed by God for His good purposes. It was not intended to last forever, and it is not meant to be our dream-mobile, but rather the perfect creation to carry us to our ultimate destination.
We understand so little about the vastness of the universe, but are reminded how fragile our earthly home is. But our responsibility is to approach life with humility, seek wisdom, and embrace our job to care for our planet and each other.
We may be significant to one another, but in the grand scheme of things, we are mere specks in the vastness of creation.
Whenever you get too worked up about politics, injustices, money or life . . . remember
where you are! Your influence has an effect on others. Positive or negative! Strive to help, encourage and love each other. And that includes people that have different opinions, may not look like us or might not even like us.
Remember, we are not doing life alone.
Like I always say: "We're all in this together!"
How can we find meaning and purpose in our brief existence? How can we be good stewards of our planet and serve others with love and compassion? Really makes you think! It may inspire us to use our influence to make the world a better place.
And regardless the size of the universe...