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    Trash Talk

    Writer's picture: Charlie BrownCharlie Brown

    Updated: Feb 26, 2024

    I'll never forget the time Karen and I were riding in the car with our little Karlie in the back in her baby seat. Apparently, I accidentally cut someone off. I don't remember doing this. But I remember the consequence. From the back seat we heard Karlie's little voice call out: "Daddy - that man just waved at you with one finger!" Explain that one to a four-year-old!

    Obscene gestures and language are becoming more and more common place -- all over the internet, social media, radio, TV, and in music lyrics. Because every other word these days is *&% @*%@# -- they have lost their shock value.

    Cursing is unbecoming. Some people curse as a way to blow off steam in negative situations. Some use profanity because everyone else seems to be doing it. And still, some swear when they’re joking around with their friends. Others use their most vicious words as weapons.

    My mom and dad never used obscenities or bad language and I didn't grow up around people who did. Although I do get upset, angry and frustrated, I try to refrain from using it. But each one of us has to make our own choice.

    Curse words slowly creep into our vocabulary without us realizing it. It starts out slowly — you begin thinking about swear words, then on occasion you'll let one slip. Before you know it, swearing becomes part of your everyday speech.

    Using profanity can escalate a sensitive subject into a heated argument, and can quickly turn it into violence if things get out of control. Swearing always creates a more hostile environment.

    It's a personal control issue! The power is ours in the words we choose, the language we use and the signals we send! They represent our beliefs, morals, prejudices, and principles. Like it or not, our words often define us!

    Our words can hurt, heal, encourage or wound.

    We should be conscious of the situations in which we choose to use unbecoming language.

    None of us wants to be the person who has a slip-up while delivering a eulogy, or in front of grandma and the whole family at the Thanksgiving dinner.

    “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

    Ephesians 4:29


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