I may not have been the sharpest tool in the box . . . but I was in the box! That's me,
front and center in my church Sunday School Class.
Always be willing to learn; then learn from the wisest and the best!
Whether it's church, work, or family life, be present. That's what it takes. You can't phone in success.
When I started in the apparel business, I didn't know anything about it. My lines weren't exactly the latest and greatest. But I hung in there with enthusiasm, working very hard
and was a sponge when I was around the "pros" in the business.
Adjust your vision, but stay in the game.
The best way to sharpen your skills is to use them!
Three lessons to learn from a pencil:
Pain always sharpens you
Everything you do leaves a mark
It's what's inside you that is valuable!
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he
will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6