Putting Duck Tape on your mouth may not keep you quiet, but it will sure muffle the sound.
I try to make exercise is a big part of my life, and bike riding is one of my favorite things. One beautiful day as I was riding, I realized how blessed I was and I broke out in a big smile. As my mouth opened, a bug flew in!
That little experience has left me with this life lesson: Learning to keep your mouth closed is not just important in bike riding, but a key to success in life and in business.
I'm still working on that one!
Just as there are times when keeping your mouth shut is your best option, there are also times when vocal enthusiasm is useful. But never lose your enthusiasm! People can see it in your eyes, even when your mouth isn't moving.
There are also times when it is best to listen attentively. Without interrupting! (Please help me Lord!) God has given us two ears and one mouth. That ought to tell us all something!
But DON'T be like me: "I don't mean to interrupt people. I just randomly remember things and get really excited." And like I've always said: "My opinion, often wrong, but never in doubt."
Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath:” -James 1:19