Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me . . . is a lie!
When we heard this famous saying as kids, it was supposed to be a way to shrug off insults from bullies on the playground. But let's be honest, it never really worked.
Getting hit with a stick or a rock leaves a mark which eventually fades away. But insulting words can stick with you for years to come.
Even when it's just their opinion, and they have no actually authority on the subject, their words can be very hurtful. It's difficult to forget these insignificant comments which harbor their pain deep inside our souls.
There is little you can do when you are the object of verbal assaults.
But like I always say:
The words of a critic don't belong to you unless you accept them as true.
God has created each of us different. . . . . He doesn't make mistakes.
Once you've determined who you are, ask yourself this very serious question:
'When was the last time I used my words to be hurtful?'
Are you using your words to build fences . . . or bridges?
Be careful how you use your words! They are like fire. When it is out of control, fire can devastate. But just a little light from your words of encouragement, can brighten the path for a friend who is discouraged.
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will . . . scar me forever.
Could we all please just throw marshmallows?