What is a mentor? Mentors are the people in our lives who help us grow and develop. They share their knowledge and encouragement through their personal disappointments and victories.
We might not know them personally. Or we might only know them through their books, articles, podcast or videos. But their lives reflect this principle: "I've been there, I've made those mistakes, I've gotten back up and succeeded."
Zig Ziglar, was a huge mentor in my life and still is. If you have hung around me for any length of time, you often heard me quote him. He was one of most popular motivational speakers and best selling authors for decades, writing over 30 celebrated books on personal growth, leadership, sales, faith, family and success.
After moving to Dallas, I was blessed to meet him and attended church with him for many years. Zig was a very humble, Godly man. He breathed enthusiasm and motivation. I cannot say I learned enthusiasm from him . . .

. . . but Zig certainly paved the road showing me how well enthusiasm can work in life and in business. If you are wise, you will find a mentor who patterns the person you strive to be.
Where can you find your Mentor? Consider the people you admire.
What do you admire about them? Do they inspire you -
to be stronger in the face of disappointment?
to work harder toward the goals you desire?
to never give up?
Hang around those who lift you up with encouragement and hope!
Try to form a personal relationship with them. Be transparent.
Like I always say, You are the average of three of your best friends!
I strongly recommend checking out Zig's books and his many quotes.
These are two of my favorites:
"People often say motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing--
that’s why we recommend it daily."
"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want."